Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Reinforcing, Resting, & Resisting

Tonight I was back to working on Alexander Technique with David Jernigan.  Always instructive and energizing to be with him.  After reinforcing basic principles, he added a twist that I need to work with.  Using the new tremolo piece for our work with the guitar was hazardous, and many opportunities to let go presented themselves.  Slowly I arrived at a place where I trusted my hands and played around with the piece under his direction.  At one point he began conducting me, and the piece took on a new life.

We worked with a couple of ideas, and David suggested I incorporate the exercise from Pedro de Alcantara of putting in a rest on the second beat of each measure.  The rest allows one to direct the thinking, release tension, or just come back to where you are.  I had not worked with this in relationship to this piece previously, but did do more of this when I arrived home. 

Coming back again & again to allowing length and width, being aware of the space around me, and the support under my feet.  Sitting here now, I play with the twist that he gave me.  After all I am using my hands, the total instrument of my body as I type.  I know that practicing anything task with awareness of my hands and body, supports any other actions I undertake. 

We covered a lot of ground tonight, & I made notes as soon as I arrived home.  Some of where we explored is beyond my ability or desire to describe.  I also saw where in the presence of a "teacher or instructor" I tend to rush myself.  This is not new information, and I wonder how many times I need this experience before I can practice truly taking the time that I need, regardless of the request given to me.  Is this a form of end-gaining or some type of people pleasing? Sensing a resistance in me to publish this tonight, but that's never stopped me before.

What are you resisting?

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