Wednesday, August 3, 2011



Today is the Anniversary of my sister Sharon's death.  She lived a relatively short life, ravaged by the unforgiving relentlessness of Multiple Sclerosis.  Slowly, surely, she could no longer control her functioning.  Her spirits and mind remaining strong, her support of me unwavering.  Sharon taught me to seize the day, to know that I will never know what twist life may take.  To be grateful that I could run away on my young strong legs from her problems and pretend this could never happen to me.

One of my early pieces for guitar was inspired by Sharon - Elegy.  We played this in oDD CamP and Solaris Guitar Trio.  There is a stretch required of the first finger of the left hand while the second and fourth fingers remain anchored, that was at the limit of my reach, perhaps even just beyond this.  With a heart full of remembrance, I would reach for this note with the hope that life would go on.  Smiling internally that my nervous system had not yet betrayed me, my muscles able to stretch and respond.  Touched beyond belief, when during an early performance of this piece, I saw a woman in the audience allow her tears to surface.

Sharons' loss is my loss; all of ours.  Life is full of suffering; but also full of joy, peace, and happiness.  Today, let me reach beyond my limits, and touch the hearts of another.  Life is short.  Oftentimes, just as my left hand fingers are anchored on the part from Elegy; I remain anchored on my take of life's recurrent themes.  Yearning to reach for the note that completes the chord of resolution, I fall short.  Patience and practice, patience and practice; watered with trust, love and understanding gives me the impetus to go beyond my reach.  But I must remember - life is short.


  1. Patrick,

    Thank you for snaring this. So much resonates with my life. I live w/ MS and the challenge of traumatic brain injury, I'm a musician (piano, too.

    Life IS short, it also goes on. One statement in particular, reached out to me. Practice and patience. In so many, if not all things - practice and patience. We exist at the sharp edges of life. Practice and patience lets us stay there with grace, with passion, as we breathe in and out.

  2. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your sister with us.
