Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Power of 20 Minutes

Long exhausting days at work this week as we undergo our annual surprise licensure inspection.  Three days of constant scrutiny and we are not done.  The past two nights I have been physically exhausted and my emotions are touchy.  Most of this is due to the interpenetrating affects of an already stressful workplace being driven to explain, defend, and sometimes regret actions made during the day to day care we provide.  But this is not a blog about working with those ill and dying, rather it is about my life as a musician.

Being a musician is a major part of how I deal with the stress of my days.  I love playing guitar, but my attention and energy are not always at the place to play as I wish.  What to do?  I pick up the guitar anyhow, even of for only 20 minutes.  This is the case for the past two evenings, only 20 minutes.  Yet during those minutes, the surge of music touched my heart, gave meaning to my feelings, and have made me smile.  And I want to continue, but I also need to rest.  Assured that music has not abandoned me, I can rest well.  Soon the inspection shall end, but my life as a musician will go on.  For this I am extremely grateful.

I'll connect for a longer time soon, but being certain to maintain the quality of the connection is more important than how long.  Twenty minutes is powerful when approached mindfully.  Twenty minutes can change your life.  What are you waiting for?

color and texture

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