Saturday, May 29, 2010

Nothing Can Stop You at All

After dropping our granddaughter off this afternoon we headed off to the Potomac River to walk around Great Falls. This is always an inspiring place for me, to have such a powerful show of nature so close to the metro area. We have had heavy rains lately so the river was running high.

While gazing at the first set of falls I heard myself singing - " Waterfall, nothing can stop you at all ..." Jimi Hendrix showing up via associative thinking. Jimi the man who inspired me and so many young men to pick up the guitar. And as his lyrics said "nothing can stop you at all." Here I stood decades later, still hearing this piece from my childhood. Many other musicians have influenced me since, but there is something about the raw power of Jimi that I saw in the falls today. The way he could hit one note with such power to sweep me away, just like the power of the Potomac thundering through this narrow passages.

The flow and the sweetness of "music sweet music" made visible in the seven blue herons perched among the rocks at the main falls. Water cascading with mist dancing in the sunlight and these regal birds preening or standing silently. I wish I  could play notes that equal this beauty. If I truly believe that "nothing can stop you at all," I will.

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